Thursday, October 25, 2007


Okay, I usually try to stick to making posts about the fam, what we're doing, what's new with Natalee, talking about seeing the rest of our family. This post really doesn't have anything to do with my immediate family.

I'm getting a little annoyed lately with the hype about the LDS church and Mitt Romney. I don't know Mitt Romney. I don't know what he is like, what he likes, what his particular beliefs are, because yes, beliefs can vary even within one religion, because each person's faith can vary. I've heard some astouding things at church that really aren't part of the Scriptures, but are the personal beliefs of the individual, take 'em or leave 'em. Because that's the beautiful thing about faith - it's unique, it's individual, it's about each person's very special, very personal relationship with God, and nobody's relationship with God is identical.

Time magazine recently put out on an article about a Southern Baptist leader named Land's opinion on Mormonism, especially in relation to Mitt Romney. Time has been making a big deal about Romney and his religion, almost like a witch hunt. Maybe I'm more sensitive because I'm Mormon (though inactive), and of course I'm going to be defensive if every time I see a Time article linked to, it's putting Mormons in a bad light. It's starting to feel like some of their writers and editors have a serious problem with Mormons. (My reading of it: They don't want a Mormon as president, no ifs, ands, or buts.) Regardless of all that, I'm talking about this SBC oriented article. Which to give them credit, is better than some of the others they've put out. Land was consulted by Romney to help him figure out how to get his religion out of the political limelight. Land hasn't exactly jumped on the Romney and LDS boat, but he's toeing the line between right now. What he says is this: the LDS church should be considered outside of Christianity, in the way that Judaism and Islam is, within the Abraham-matriculated faiths. So, give the LDS church more respect like you would the Islamic and Jewish faiths, but it's not exactly Christian. They feel that Mormons are a lot like the Muslims, in that Joseph Smith is comparable to Mohammed in Islam.

What bothers Christian-based worshippers about the LDS church? They think we're polytheistic. Wow. Give them their due, they did not say we worship Joseph Smith and the prophets, or believe them to be gods, something I have heard before, many times. (Ha!) But because we believe that each individual person, by living the Gospel and following the teachings of Jesus Christ and our church, can become gods. Thus we're polytheistic. Even though we don't worship any additional gods, we've never said there are other gods out there right now, just because we believe godhood is the ultimate reward for living the Gospel. But hey, it's okay for other Christian religions to believe that they'll die and become angels. Even though it doesn't say anywhere in the Bible that so-and-so is an angel or meant to be an angel. Look, buddy, you can say you're going to be an angel when you die, but show me where it says, you, Joe Blow, are to be an angel. I don't see your name anywhere in here. Can you tell me the page? Isn't that the same concept? That I'm supposed to revere somebody who's passed away because they're an angel now? No. I will respect them for the choices they made in their life, they things they have achieved, and yes, I believe they are waiting in Paradise in a place near God. But no, I don't believe they're an angel. Just like I don't believe there are any gods besides God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost out there right now. Judgement Day has not arrived yet. And many things will happen after that day that will change our complete perception of life, the world. Our views will be opened, the Veil lifted, and we will know and understand God's plan. Yes, people may become angels after that day. And others may, through true faith and obedience, may become gods. I believe all things are possible through God. I believe we are all God's children, that Jesus Christ is our example to follow, through life and death. And yes, I am a Christian.

I hate when people tell me Mormons aren't Christian. Because it makes no sense to me. We believe in Jesus Christ, we believe in God the Father, and we believe in the Holy Ghost. We try to follow the tenets set down for us through the prophets, both the old ones of the Old and New Testament, and the ones who lead our church today. I believe in Jesus Christ, I believe he is my Savior, and the Redeemer of this world. But some guy off the street, who knows nothing about me, can hear that I'm Mormon and say, "Hey, you're not Christian." As if he has the right to determine that. To me, it's like somebody walking up to me and saying, "Hey, you're not human." How do you respond to that? "Huh, you mean all this time I was a Neanderthal? Duuuude." No. My first thought is to look at them and think, "Gee, you're not very bright, are you?"

I respect Land for trying to give us a separate place with its own due respect, something that might help other 'Christians' understand us. Because Mormons are different. We understand that. We have learned to savor some of those differences. But it's still wrong about us not being Christian.

As for Mitt Romney, yes, he's Mormon. That doesn't mean I'll be rushing out to vote for him next year. I'm undecided right now, but leaning towards some of the Democrats. But at least Mitt Romney wouldn't tell me I'm not Christian.

1 comment:

Bryce Haymond said...

If You Could Hie to Kolob, Hymn 284

Natalee is...
